Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm in another thing!

So remember those two awesome auditions I had last week? Well one got me a callback which has yet to take place, and the other one I actually got the part! It's a great role and I am very honored to be working with the playwright in creating the character. The play is called "The Back Line", and it's performing as part of At Hand Theatre's annual fundraiser, so the ticket money goes to things like making good theatre. Something we can all get behind.

I play a teenage girl recently dead who has chosen to relive one special day in her short life--her first day on the cashier job at Jax Roast Beef. Why does she choose this day? Because of the cute but absentminded fry cook. She goes back to this day to tell him something important--but in the off chance you decide to come see, that's all I'm gonna say. There's also a very rapey manager which is always fun (actually he's awesome) so I really can't recommend this play more. It's funny, heartbreaking, sweet, and yes, molesty. What more do you want out of a 15 minute play?

So if you want to come you can get tickets off smarttix or go to and look over there. It's this Friday thru Sunday at 8, and tickets are 20 dolla.

Also, May 18th is the OFFICIAL music video premiere. You can listen to the song and learn more at

That's all for now! Support me and these two faaaabulous shows please (remember TAB goes up May 13th). Buh bye.

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